
Irresistible was written for the 2006 CBC Poetry face-off. I liked hearing my voice on the radio. If she’s close we ferret out the black clothes far, we hold an impersonal vigil burn the candle of newsworthiness till the commercial break Ahh, there it is the inevitable sigh the oh-no, under the breath the crinkling of […]

This Time

This Time was first performed for Black History Month celebrations, 2009, at the Vancouver Public Library. songs some time I sang alone, it was low and slow but sweet and whispered some tune first time coming to a turn toward the true a burden of straw a crying out for bricks and mortar mother she […]


A group of kayakers appearing on the edge of English Bay suggested surreptitiously. It appeared in Richard Morel’s book of photographs of Vancouver, 2012. surreptitiously she empties the jar into her hand buries her hand into her pocket and opens her fist she wipes her hand by holding it hard against the fabric she withdraws […]