Spoken Word Performance
Monday Aug 4, 7 pm
Fan Club
1050 Granville Street
Pride Fund Raiser for COPE
Thanks to Shayne Niemiec Photography
Now Recruiting: TRANS-RACE
Now Recruiting for a Black History Month Project: TRANS-RACE
A collaboration with visual artist David Sandford. (http://davidsandford.com)
I’m looking for persons of Black ancestry, mixed-race individuals, people in mix-Race relationships (of any duration: “from 2 minutes to 2 or more decades”), members of mixed-race families—blended, by birth, or by choosing, and trans (gendered) individuals of any ancestry.
I want to ask a few questions and perhaps have you pose for a portrait. There may be compensation for individuals chosen for a full interview.
If you can devote a few minutes to this project—and want to help promote understanding and acceptance, please email me:info@rogerblenman.com
Also looking for spoken word and performance artists who have something to say on the themes above.
The Opposite of Innocence
The Opposite of Innocence: A dramatized reading. Writer/Director: Roger Blenman
Teenaged Garret, Michael, and Katherine have created a space for themselves in a world they nearly despise. The balance of their love and friendship is upset when they lure lonely, naïve Randy into their circle. Repressed sexuality emerges and violence surfaces.
Saturday July 27, 8 pm
PAL Studio Theatre
581 Cardero Street – 8th floor
Vancouver, bc V6G 3L3
Advance tickets available