Roger hosts Black History Month 2017: Feb 22, 6:30 New West Public Library

World Poetry Celebrates Black History Month!
February 22, 6:30-8:30 pm, New Westminster Public Library, 716, 6th Street, auditorium.
Hosts: Author Roger Blenman and Marce Miller
A tribute to women of colour, past, present and future.
Features: Candice James, Siobhan Barker, short film by Stacy-Ann Buchanan
Calling all poets, musicians and storytellers to perform join and perform!
Music and dance by the Children of Zion Vancouver.
Come celebrate with us.
Free raffle, open mike.
To sign up: contact Ariadne Sawyer, or 604-526-4729.

Hosts: Marce Miller, Roger Blenman, filmmaker Stacy-Ann Buchann. Dancers and musicians, Children of Zion Vancouver.





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